Step 1: Cut one 6"x 6" square of felt. (For a piece this large, the felt needs to be pretty stiff, such as this 3mm wool felt. A 2mm thick felt would also work well, but I suggest decreasing the overall scale of the design for better stability.) Mark lines 3/4" apart, parallel to the perimeter, using a chalk liner pen. Mark a line diagonally across the square from corner to corner.
Step 2: Using a straight edge and an Xacto knife, cut along the first line from the corner to about 1/4" from the diagonal line. Make 2-3 passes with the blade, cutting a little at a time and keeping even pressure on the straight edge so that the felt does not creep while being cut.
Repeat until all cuts have been made, keeping the felt intact at each corner on the diagonal line. Chalk lines can be brushed away.
Step 3: Lift the corners of the center square and hand stitch the ends together with matching thread. Secure and cut the thread, hiding the knot between layers.
Step 4: Turn the piece over and lift the corners of the second square. Overlap the points and stitch together at each point.
Step 5: Continue turning the piece over, overlapping points and stitching until all 4 squares are stitched.
Step 6: Create a hanging loop at one end with a clear monofilament thread. I added a few felt balls (natch) to mine.
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